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> From: Rosalind Peterson <[email protected]>

> Date: August 1, 2020 5:50:03 PM PDT

> To: Deborah <[email protected]>





> By Rosalind Peterson

> August 1, 2020

> http://newswithviews.com/Peterson/rosalindA.htm


> On June 27, 2020, CBS News reported: “…A yearlong experiment with

> America's electric grid could mess up traffic lights, security

> systems and some computers and make plug-in clocks and appliances

> like programmable coffeemakers run up to 20 minutes fast...” [1]

> CBS News also reported that:  “…Tom O'Brian, who heads the time and

> frequency division at the National Institute of Standards and

> Technology, expects widespread (unspecified) effects...” [1].


> The CBS report did not specify who approved this test.  This test

> will begin without public consent, substantial public notice or

> public debate in mid-July 2011 [1].  This test could disrupt so

> many businesses, state and local governments, and other government

> agencies, that it could quickly become a National Security

> nightmare and a massive public headache.


> "A lot of people are going to have things break and they're not

> going to know why," said Demetrios Matsakis, head of the time

> service department at the U.S. Naval Observatory, one of two

> official timekeeping agencies in the federal government…This will

> be an interesting experiment to see how dependent our timekeeping

> is on the power grid, Matsakis said. [1-2].


> According to CBS News, “…The North American Electric Reliability

> Corporation (NERC), runs the nation's interlocking web of

> transmission lines and power plants and they will be conducting the

> tests…” [1, 3].  Will this company be liable for appliance

> replacement and other costs associated with these tests?


> The disruptions from these tests may have the following

> consequences according        to various news reports:


> 1)         CBS News Reports:  “…The group that oversees the U.S.

> power grid (NERC), is proposing an experiment that would allow more

> frequency variation than it does now without (time) corrections,

> according to a company presentation obtained by The Associated

> Press... "Is anyone using the grid to keep track of

> time?...McClelland said. "Let's see if anyone complains if we

> eliminate it.” …No one is sure what will be affected…” [1]  This

> appears to be an experiment to permanently eliminate time corrections.


> 2)         CBS News:  “…A June 14 company presentation spelled out

> the potential effects of the change:  East Coast clocks may run as

> much as 20 minutes fast over a year, but West Coast clocks are only

> likely to be off by 8 minutes. In Texas, it's only an expected

> speedup of 2 minutes. Some parts of the grid, like in the East,

> tend to run faster than others. Errors add up. If the grid averages

> just over 60 cycles a second, clocks that rely on the grid will

> gain 14 seconds per day, according to the company's

> presentation…”[1]  This could mean that your clocks and other

> appliances plugged into the electricity grid,  will no longer be

> accurate while the tests are being conducted for at least one year.


> 3)         Time Disruptions - How will people who don't have

> Internet or Cell Phone access be able to get the correct time since

> telephone companies don't offer this service anymore?  This company

> presumes to believe that everyone has access to the Internet and

> will have instant correct time…this is not the case.


> 4)         Appliances, cooking timers, SMART Meters, clocks, and

> other items that are time sensitive could be disrupted or

> completely fail.


> 5)         The article does not address problems that may occur in

> hospitals, during surgeries, when using time sensitive equipment.

> This type of equipment may be highly sensitive to time variations.

> Other industries and businesses may also have problems and may have

> to make many costly adjustments.  Who will pay these costs?


> 6)         CBS News:  “…Spokeswoman Kimberly Mielcarek said the

> company is still discussing the test and gauging reactions to its

> proposal, and may delay the experiment a bit…” [1]  This company

> has no idea what problems these tests will have on the public and

> our electric grid.  It is just an experiment and they are taking no

> financial responsibility for the consequences if these tests have

> negative, unknown consequences.


> 7)         These tests are to last one year.  This seems like a

> long time to conduct these tests.  This company should be able to

> conduct small tests over limited areas in order to perform the same

> type of testing.   And this should be heavily reviewed and studied

> in advance of any testing.


> 8)         If the federal government provides the time, via

> telephone, the location and        number were not noted in the CBS

> article.


> The public should not have to rely on leaving our computers and

> cell phones, using extra electricity, just to make sure that we

> have the correct time.  And we have no idea if our computers and

> other gadgets will work while these tests are being conducted.


> If our appliances and other equipment break because of these grid

> experiments who is going to pay our costs?    If these tests cost

> local, city, and county governments money to respond to problems

> associated with these tests, who pay the costs of fixing or

> repairing them?


> There needs to be congressional hearings and a public debate before

> these tests are approved.  To be at the mercy of a private company,

> that has decided on a “whim”, and without any idea of the problems

> and consequences that their power grid tests will cause, is

> unthinkable at this time.


> Stop the Tests, Let the Public Debate Begin, and Contact your

> Elected Officials and let them know that you expect that they will

> take action to protect the public interest.  We need a

> comprehensive investigation prior to any experiments being

> initiated.  End


> 1,         CBS News June 27, 2020

> http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2020/06/27/scitech/main20074627.shtml


> 2,         Precise Time-U.S. Naval Observatory      http://

> www.usno.navy.mil/USNO

> The United States Naval Observatory (USNO) provides a wide range of

> astronomical data and products, and serves as the official source

> of time for the U.S. Department of Defense and a standard of time

> for the entire United States.


> 3,         The North American Reliability Electric Corporation will

> be conducting this test.

>             Website:         http://www.nerc.com/


> 4,         For more Information on the Smart Meter Rebellion and

> Hazards

>             http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/?q=pg-and-e-

> smart-meter


> 5,         For more Information on the Health Hazards from Energy

> Efficient Light Bulbs

>             See EPA Hazmat Warnings for Home Breakage and Disposal

>             http://www.agriculturedefensecoalition.org/?q=pg-and-e-

> smart-meters

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